Top 10 Productivity Tips – Writers

Jan 22nd, 2014

Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating
your next moment. That is what’s real.  ~ Sara Paddison

Top Ten Productivity TipsThis free resource, the Top Ten Productivity Tips (TTPT) for Writers, is created for writers of many different types. We have professors who write, full-time authors, professionals who write as part of their jobs, people who want to write more (and better and more easily), college students who write, and others, too! We have many fabulous guest contributors to this series and because writing is something with which many folks struggle, this is a popular resource for writers!

Each week, subscribers receive a quick, practical, and positive set of ideas to use right away so that you can maximize your time and effort.

Topics include:

  • Getting “Unstuck”
  • Writing “Formulas”
  • Techniques for Productive Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Being Interviewed About Your Writingbigstock-free-21011351ltblue
  • Questions to Ask When You’re Writing

Start receiving the Top Ten Productivity Tips for Writers right away.

Top Ten Productivity Tips

I find that your tips seem to inspire me; my goal is to work more focused and stay organized.

Las Cruces, NM

Top Ten Productivity TipsStarting today (after you subscribe – for free), you will receive an email with the week’s Top Ten Productivity Tips.  The tips are a quick read and will give you something positive and helpful for your writing journey.

As soon as you sign up, you will receive your first email with this week’s TTPT for Writers and then will receive a set of tips each week.  You can expect more than a year’s worth of tips.